Class ServerSideAdInsertionUtil

  • @Deprecated
    public final class ServerSideAdInsertionUtil
    extends Object
    Deprecated. is deprecated. Please migrate to androidx.media3 (which contains the same ExoPlayer code). See the migration guide for more details, including a script to help with the migration.
    A static utility class with methods to work with server-side inserted ads.
    • Method Detail

      • addAdGroupToAdPlaybackState

        public static AdPlaybackState addAdGroupToAdPlaybackState​(AdPlaybackState adPlaybackState,
                                                                  long fromPositionUs,
                                                                  long contentResumeOffsetUs,
                                                                  long... adDurationsUs)
        Adds a new server-side inserted ad group to an AdPlaybackState.

        If the first ad with a non-zero duration is not the first ad in the group, all ads before that ad are marked as skipped.

        adPlaybackState - The existing AdPlaybackState.
        fromPositionUs - The position in the underlying server-side inserted ads stream at which the ad group starts, in microseconds.
        contentResumeOffsetUs - The timestamp offset which should be added to the content stream when resuming playback after the ad group. An offset of 0 collapses the ad group to a single insertion point, an offset of toPositionUs-fromPositionUs keeps the original stream timestamps after the ad group.
        adDurationsUs - The durations of the ads to be added to the group, in microseconds.
        The updated AdPlaybackState.
      • getStreamPositionUs

        public static long getStreamPositionUs​(Player player,
                                               AdPlaybackState adPlaybackState)
        Returns the position in the underlying server-side inserted ads stream for the current playback position in the Player.
        player - The Player.
        adPlaybackState - The AdPlaybackState defining the ad groups.
        The position in the underlying server-side inserted ads stream, in microseconds, or C.TIME_UNSET if it can't be determined.
      • getStreamPositionUs

        public static long getStreamPositionUs​(long positionUs,
                                               MediaPeriodId mediaPeriodId,
                                               AdPlaybackState adPlaybackState)
        Returns the position in the underlying server-side inserted ads stream for a position in a MediaPeriod.
        positionUs - The position in the MediaPeriod, in microseconds.
        mediaPeriodId - The MediaPeriodId of the MediaPeriod.
        adPlaybackState - The AdPlaybackState defining the ad groups.
        The position in the underlying server-side inserted ads stream, in microseconds.
      • getMediaPeriodPositionUs

        public static long getMediaPeriodPositionUs​(long positionUs,
                                                    MediaPeriodId mediaPeriodId,
                                                    AdPlaybackState adPlaybackState)
        Returns the position in a MediaPeriod for a position in the underlying server-side inserted ads stream.
        positionUs - The position in the underlying server-side inserted ads stream, in microseconds.
        mediaPeriodId - The MediaPeriodId of the MediaPeriod.
        adPlaybackState - The AdPlaybackState defining the ad groups.
        The position in the MediaPeriod, in microseconds.
      • getStreamPositionUsForAd

        public static long getStreamPositionUsForAd​(long positionUs,
                                                    int adGroupIndex,
                                                    int adIndexInAdGroup,
                                                    AdPlaybackState adPlaybackState)
        Returns the position in the underlying server-side inserted ads stream for a position in an ad MediaPeriod.
        positionUs - The position in the ad MediaPeriod, in microseconds.
        adGroupIndex - The ad group index of the ad.
        adIndexInAdGroup - The index of the ad in the ad group.
        adPlaybackState - The AdPlaybackState defining the ad groups.
        The position in the underlying server-side inserted ads stream, in microseconds.
      • getMediaPeriodPositionUsForAd

        public static long getMediaPeriodPositionUsForAd​(long positionUs,
                                                         int adGroupIndex,
                                                         int adIndexInAdGroup,
                                                         AdPlaybackState adPlaybackState)
        Returns the position in an ad MediaPeriod for a position in the underlying server-side inserted ads stream.
        positionUs - The position in the underlying server-side inserted ads stream, in microseconds.
        adGroupIndex - The ad group index of the ad.
        adIndexInAdGroup - The index of the ad in the ad group.
        adPlaybackState - The AdPlaybackState defining the ad groups.
        The position in the ad MediaPeriod, in microseconds.
      • getStreamPositionUsForContent

        public static long getStreamPositionUsForContent​(long positionUs,
                                                         int nextAdGroupIndex,
                                                         AdPlaybackState adPlaybackState)
        Returns the position in the underlying server-side inserted ads stream for a position in a content MediaPeriod.
        positionUs - The position in the content MediaPeriod, in microseconds.
        nextAdGroupIndex - The next ad group index after the content, or C.INDEX_UNSET if there is no following ad group. Ad groups from this index are not used to adjust the position.
        adPlaybackState - The AdPlaybackState defining the ad groups.
        The position in the underlying server-side inserted ads stream, in microseconds.
      • getMediaPeriodPositionUsForContent

        public static long getMediaPeriodPositionUsForContent​(long positionUs,
                                                              int nextAdGroupIndex,
                                                              AdPlaybackState adPlaybackState)
        Returns the position in a content MediaPeriod for a position in the underlying server-side inserted ads stream.
        positionUs - The position in the underlying server-side inserted ads stream, in microseconds.
        nextAdGroupIndex - The next ad group index after the content, or C.INDEX_UNSET if there is no following ad group. Ad groups from this index are not used to adjust the position.
        adPlaybackState - The AdPlaybackState defining the ad groups.
        The position in the content MediaPeriod, in microseconds.
      • getAdCountInGroup

        public static int getAdCountInGroup​(AdPlaybackState adPlaybackState,
                                            int adGroupIndex)
        Returns the number of ads in an ad group, treating an unknown number as zero ads.
        adPlaybackState - The AdPlaybackState.
        adGroupIndex - The index of the ad group.
        The number of ads in the ad group.