Class SsManifest

    • Field Detail

      • majorVersion

        public final int majorVersion
        The client manifest major version.
      • minorVersion

        public final int minorVersion
        The client manifest minor version.
      • lookAheadCount

        public final int lookAheadCount
        The number of fragments in a lookahead, or UNSET_LOOKAHEAD if the lookahead is unspecified.
      • isLive

        public final boolean isLive
        Whether the manifest describes a live presentation still in progress.
      • protectionElement

        public final SsManifest.ProtectionElement protectionElement
        Content protection information, or null if the content is not protected.
      • durationUs

        public final long durationUs
        The overall presentation duration of the media in microseconds, or C.TIME_UNSET if the duration is unknown.
      • dvrWindowLengthUs

        public final long dvrWindowLengthUs
        The length of the trailing window for a live broadcast in microseconds, or C.TIME_UNSET if the stream is not live or if the window length is unspecified.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SsManifest

        public SsManifest​(int majorVersion,
                          int minorVersion,
                          long timescale,
                          long duration,
                          long dvrWindowLength,
                          int lookAheadCount,
                          boolean isLive,
                          SsManifest.ProtectionElement protectionElement,
                          SsManifest.StreamElement[] streamElements)
        majorVersion - The client manifest major version.
        minorVersion - The client manifest minor version.
        timescale - The timescale of the media as the number of units that pass in one second.
        duration - The overall presentation duration in units of the timescale attribute, or 0 if the duration is unknown.
        dvrWindowLength - The length of the trailing window in units of the timescale attribute, or 0 if this attribute is unspecified or not applicable.
        lookAheadCount - The number of fragments in a lookahead, or UNSET_LOOKAHEAD if this attribute is unspecified or not applicable.
        isLive - True if the manifest describes a live presentation still in progress. False otherwise.
        protectionElement - Content protection information, or null if the content is not protected.
        streamElements - The contained stream elements.
    • Method Detail

      • copy

        public final SsManifest copy​(List<StreamKey> streamKeys)
        Description copied from interface: FilterableManifest
        Returns a copy of the manifest including only the streams specified by the given keys. If the manifest is unchanged then the instance may return itself.
        Specified by:
        copy in interface FilterableManifest<SsManifest>
        streamKeys - A non-empty list of stream keys.
        The filtered manifest.